Saturday, July 26, 2014


In Gen.18:1-19, we read about how God, at last, granted Abraham and Sarah's long awaited promised child. Before then, the couple had tried other means of getting at least a child because using natural calendar calculations Sarah knew that once menopause sets in, delivering child by her impossible. Even though she was right to think that way, she was wrong spiritually. And finally when God's set date came, the couple received strange visitors. They entertained them in a rare manner. There and then pronouncement on their specific time of receiving their desire was made and at the very time it was fulfilled.

The lesson here is that when God's appointed time has not come, a brilliant teacher or student will fail the simplest examination. An applicant will fail tests and interviews. An expectant couple will try other means to get children; a Pastor's ministry will nosedive instead of growing; business ventures will fail woefully; a motivational speaker's life will not manifest what he teaches; a healer will be unable to heal himself! All efforts of man will amount to mistakes, mistakes and mistakes!!!

Dear reader, when you are experiencing these and many more the only wise choice left for you is to pray to God to give you the grace to remain faithful to Him, to be patient and hold on to the belief that God's appointed time will surely come and that when it comes you will laugh last. God bless you in JESUS name.

Remember: Jesus loves you John 3:16

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